Plant Astrology
Hover over your star sign to find your plant horoscope! Words by Amanda Barokh.

Well dear Aries, you certainly ain’t no wallflower. A fire sign, ruled by Mars the planet of drive and passion - you are red hot and racy. What better way to express your passion and vibrancy than with a bold and tropical anthurium plant. There is nothing subtle about anthurium and let’s face it, sweet Aries, there is nothing subtle about you.
As a Cardinal sign you’re used to being a leader and you’re not afraid to embrace the latest trends. So get on board with 80s tropical decor revival and put your plant in pride of place. Aries rules the 1st house which relates to ‘the self’ and just like anthurium you thrive best in a well-lit place where everyone will notice you. Anthurium demands attention and Aries baby, so do you!

Lovely Libra, just like Taurus you’re ruled by Venus the planet of beauty and love. You rule the 7th house of the zodiac which is associated with interpersonal relationships. A true diplomat, you don’t like conflict. Your vibe is peace and love, always. That’s why your plant is that symbol of serenity, the Peace Lily. You’re also known for your physical beauty and because you’re such a natural beauty you don’t go in for gilding the lily. White, simple, minimal - that’s you babe!

Leo honey, you’re ruled by The Sun - the energy source for our whole entire solar system. Can anyone blame you for basking in your own magnificent glow? Leo rules the 5th house of creative play and as a fixed fire sign you’re known for your flair and flamboyance. ‘Low key’ and ‘neutral’ are not words in your vocabulary - that’s why your plant is Bromelia Guzmania. With mane-like foliage and a vibrant flower at the centre, this is a plant that will certainly get you noticed. Bromelia likes regular misting and bright indirect light.

Taurus honey, your symbol might be The Bull but you certainly don’t stand for any. Ruled by Venus the planet of beauty and love - you enjoy the finer things in life and you’re all about sensory pleasures such as, Egyptian cotton sheets, Swiss chocolate and Parisian perfume. The ideal plant for you must appeal to more than just the eye, it must satisfy your other senses too.
For you, sweet sensual Taurus, we’ve chosen the iconic orange tree because it works on so many levels. Not only is it a thing of beauty but there is also the sweet smell of orange blossom, the delicious orange fruit and those rich green glossy leaves that are smooth to the touch. This plant may be a little high maintenance but you don’t mind because you are quite possibly the most green-fingered sign of the Zodiac. As a fixed Earth sign you like deep roots so trees will always speak to your heart.

Sweet Pisces, you are the dreamer of the zodiac - ruled by gassy Neptune you are both mystical and spiritual. As a water sign you inhabit the realms of emotion and because you lack boundaries you are prone to absorbing everyone else’s energy. As you probably know, in order to keep your aura cleansed you must meditate regularly. That’s why your plant is Prayer Plant. Every night Prayer Plant folds it’s leaves in a prayer gesture - a daily reminder from your plant pal for you to check in with yourself, Pisces. Prayer plant likes indirect sunlight and misting.

Greetings my freaky one. Aquarius, you are ruled by Uranus the planet of rebellion and surprises and you’re not one to conform to the norms. We can always spot you in a crowd because you’re the one with green hair, the tie-dye or the tattoo of a peanut butter sandwich. Your plant is Spotted Begonia Maculata because just like you it looks like a beautiful alien. With a spotted top and a crimson underside it might have been beamed down from your home planet. Water often but don’t let it get soggy.

Gemini baby, your element is air and you’re the social butterfly of the zodiac. Ruled by Mercury ‘messenger of the gods’ you probably have a silver tongue and a dirty laugh. Your symbol is the twins and your sign is all about duality. You’re known for your split personality so you need a plant that reflects both sides of you. That’s why you go variegated, honey. Vibrant Nerve Plant grows in a whole host of colours to suit your many moods and just like you sweet Gemini, nerve plant (aka Fittonia) needs an audience. It will thrive with regular watering and bright indirect light.

Sweet Virgo, your symbol is the virgin or the maiden, not because you never get lucky but because you’re always so beautifully composed and self-possessed. You’re known as a neat-freak and although that’s not always the case, you certainly favour simplicity and elegance over fussy and flashy. For you, we have selected a fresh green Maidenhair Fern. Just like you, it’s graceful and charming and just like you, it’s also a tad fussy. Don’t over water it or under water it. It likes the soil to be just right.

Well Capricorn, you’re the sign that likes the rules. With Saturn as your ruling planet you’re all about structure and discipline and as a fixed Earth sign you value stability and commitment. For you plant care is about the ritual and routine and we know you’ll enjoy tending to Pilea peperomioides (aka Chinese Money Plant). With its coin shaped leaves it may attract wealth which will appeal to your canny business mind. Pilea needs weekly water and a windowsill spot.

Hello my little Crab, my sweet little hermit of the zodiac, my uber-sensitive little water sign. When some person on the internet coined the phrase ‘all the feels’ they were most likely referring to you, my friend. You are a cake baker, a scarf knitter and a dog walker and you would do almost anything for those that you care about - that’s why your plant is String of Hearts. You love to love and to be surrounded by love and this plant literally speaks to your heart. Like you, it’s low maintenance - it doesn’t need too much water, just lots of love and light.

Scorpio my little goth darling, your ruling planet is Pluto (named after the Lord of the Underworld) and honey, you are no stranger to the dark side. Scorpio themes are transformation and shadow work. You needs a plant that speaks to your soul and that resonates with your emotional depth and sense of drama. When it comes to foliage, you like any colour as long as it’s black. That’s why your plant is dark and sensual Alocasia Black Velvet. Although she’s a fellow goth to the very core, this plant favours bright indirect sun. To increase growth, play The Cure.

Sagittarius, you’re a wild horse who loves to gallop free. Most of all you crave freedom and adventure. Your ruling planet is Jupiter the planet of luck and expansion and your ultimate quest is for truth and meaning. For you we’ve chosen Snake Plant because just like Jupiter, it’s known in to bring luck to the household. Snake plant absorbs toxins and produces pure oxygen.
Another reason this plant suits you perfectly sweet Sag is because you are known for your bluntness and those pointy leaves are sometimes described as swords or tongues. Just like you Sag, when you’re backpacking round Thailand, Snake Plant will happily crash anywhere but prefers indirect light.