Rare Finds' First Yard Sale


Over the last few years, our in-house project Rare Finds has been collecting a mix of second-hand furniture, vintage IKEA, decorations, fashion, and much more. On Saturday 30th April Rare Finds hosted its very first yard sale at the back of Five Six at 26 Middle Hillgate in Stockport.

We asked our friends at Squound to join us with their beautiful vintage mid-century furnishings. And you may have recognised some pieces from our other in-house project in Edgeley, Shop This Week. It has been a great new venture for Rare Finds and a brilliant way to collaborate with other local business friends. Thank you to everyone who came along, it was also a lovely way to spend a sunny Saturday!

We plan on hosting more yard sales around Greater Manchester in the future, on the last Saturday of each month. We hope the weather will be just as nice and we hope you can come along!

Click here to find our next Rare Finds Flea and trade with us!

“Rare Finds Flea” Stockport’s Monthly Flea Market!

Follow Rare Finds on Instagram for more info and updates and visit the Rare Finds Website.

Words by Phoebe Ingram


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