Welcome to our news channel, where you can stay up-to-date with the latest Plant Shop news, events, plant care, lifestyle topics, and more!

Wintering with Houseplants
As we settle down to hibernate, so do our houseplants, but there's plenty we can do to ensure they stay healthy. Learn all about wintering with your plants and how to gift houseplants confidently this holiday season.

What's Wrong with My Houseplant?
Houseplants can't tell us how they're feeling, but we can pay attention to their leaves to make sense of their health and growth! Our care team have covered the most common signs your plant needs some TLC, and what you can do to help.

Earth Day Repotting Workshop
Now spring has sprung, it’s repotting season! One of the most frequent topics that our customers ask us about is undoubtedly repotting. That’s why we decided to celebrate Earth Day with a free repotting workshop, where our plant expert top shared some repotting tips to help beginners get started.

Plants in the Home
Nature is part of the fabric of our dwellings - and houseplants are truly the most literal, and most powerful, domestic instantiation of this desire we all have to bring the outside in. Here, we explore how they can be used in the home, to create places to live where we can flourish, alongside our plants.